We must have done something right over the winter break – the wind, sunshine and tides all smiled on us for this season’s opening day on Sunday 29th October. Following an excellent chicken salad lunch by Susan and her helpers, the customary sail past got everyone on the water, even if they all went in different directions. “Cats” and “herding” are words that don’t work well together and so it is with SGYC sailors and their ability to follow basic instruction! Perhaps we should just have made the sail past at the race start?!
Then on to the first race of the season, bang on high tide. A long beat to start the triangle, loop, triangle course, completed in about an hour to give us time for a second race and keep one up our sleeves in case of inclement weather in the Leongatha Toyota Series. First capsize and boat damage goes to Tanith, however she was able to nurse her Sabre back to shore, daggerboard hanging on by a few strips of wood and paint. Matt came in first: he clearly paid more attention than the rest of us to the previous week’s classroom session.
Afternoon tea was waiting at the clubroom to accompany round table review of sailing techniques, or lack thereof, sail issues and ‘should have fixed that’ discussion after the winter hibernation. All in all a great start to the season and we can only hope for more of the above… Enjoy the photos and thanks to Leongatha Toyota for their generous support.