See short write up in the South Gippsland Sentinel Times here. For photos go here. More info to come – watch this space!
Race Results Inverloch Classic Regatta
Race 1: Dan Bentley (Flying Ant)
Race 2: Jonathan Pullman (Moth)
Race 3: Matt Kiely (Moth)
Overall Race Series:
1st Overall Sailfish: Warren Jones
Gwen 12 Cup: Andrew Chapman & Polly Parise
Dennis Ginn Cup – 1st Placed Boat Overall: Jonathan Pullman (Moth)
Best Presented Boats:
Best Presented Sailfish: Bentley Con “Lucy”.
Best Presented Moth: Alan Davis “George”.
People’s Choice: Anthony Horgan “Allie” (Clinker).
Best in Show: Kelvin Gedye “Lily” (Moyne 10).
Simon Wilson
SGYC Event Coordinator